Safe Sanctuary

May is Safe Sanctuary Month at HdeG UMC.  If there are those who are interested in working with Sunday school, VBS, Youth Fellowship, or Nursery, this is the time of year that we satisfy the annual requirement for training.  Only those who have complied with the Safe Sanctuary policy documentation and training requirements will be permitted to be actively involved in the Christian Education program after May 31.   We have training materials for you to review: a powerpoint presentation from the Baltimore Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, Havre de Grace United Methodist Church's policy for working with children and youth, and a questionnaire to complete.  You will then be certified to work with our youth at Havre de Grace United Methodist Church.   Materials are on site in the Church office or feel free to contact me by phone 443-643-8791, email, for more information.  Thank you for considering being a part of the future leaders of our world. Susie Passwaters, Education Chair. 


Havre de Grace United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary Policy


Annual Training Requirements:

Safe Sanctuary PowerPoint Training

Sexual Misconduct Questionnaire